Do you support a proportional allocation of delegates for presidential elections
It is unfair for presidential elections to be decided by a winner take-all system. A majority does not represent a whole. Let States use a proportional system for presidential election rules
Why do we have laws making fraud a crime?
There can be no argument that the Masters of the Universe on Wall Street committed fraud but none have been even charged. Is this class of people exempt from the laws? Someone is not doing their job.
Who can better defeat Trump in the general election, Clinton or Sanders?
Of course, when Trump wins CA, Republican nomination with a majority of delegates, he needs strongest challenger, Clinton or Sanders?
April 21, 2016, 12:40 a.m.
Issue area: Government & Elections
What place does conservative politics have in a declining religious America?
Religion has been on decline around the world and in America. Church attendance has reached all time lows. Conservative politics have religious foundations. What's the future of conservatism?
What is your opinion of Hillary and guns sales and the NRA?
During debates, why not remind Hillary about her direct tie to gun sales and her support for the NRA?
User Submitted Citation
Do you think the American People should vote for the next SCOTUS?
Due to those that have the power to suggest a SCOTUS have a controversial past. Including, Senate and President.
User Submitted Citation
Would you support National Instant Runoff Voting and mail - in ballots?
This would give us more voting choices as the two party system has not been working out very well for the People and make it easier to vote.
Do you think Americans have a say in FAFE or is it just corp. money that does?
FAFE= Free And Fair Elections Just to add to the question: "If money influences then how?" and "If Americans influence then how?"
How many town hall meetings did you have in 2015?
Politicians like to claim they represent their constituents. However, there is little evidence that they listen or respond to them when making decisions that affect their lives.
How about we eliminate the party system entirely, so individuals work together?
I, for one, am sick and tired of hearing about how people will "fight" for me! I want people who will stand strong for me, but not turn so quickly to fighting. Not everything is a battle.
Does Hillary Clinton have any intention of repealing citizens united?
Too much money in politics.
Are you a progressive politician? Why or why not?
Progressives are people who believe that the problems society faces (poverty, violence, greed, racism, and class welfare) could best be addressed by the government's active role on helping its people.
Should Mr. Trump end his bid for the presidency?
Do you both agree that Mr. Trump's remarks make him unfit to be President? Rep. Jolly, do you still stand by your call for Mr. Trump to end his Presidential campaign?
User Submitted Citation
Should representative be paid in the same manure as the military?
Would you support legislation to make elected official receive the same pay & benefits as active duty soldiers or veteran? No more or less.
Why isn't public consensus offered as a replacement for rigged elections?
Public consensus allows public partication during the decision making process. Public participation prevents harm from being overlooked.
Will you help overturn Permanent Apportionment Act of 1929 that set size at 435?
U.S. constitution Article 1 Section 2[3] set target district size at 30,000 population to 1 rep: limits gerrymandering, corporate influence, and campaign costs returning to rep democracy of people.
What do you personally believe our laws should be based upon?
Example: an existential view (religious based), a rational/logical view (may contradict constituents but it's better for them), constituents view (You always vote with your constituents regardless)