What are you going to do to protect a woman's constitutional right to choose?
Politicians all over the country are getting between a woman and her doctor and taking away her constitutional right to choose. How will you protect a woman's right to choose?
What will U do to bring Rx drug prices in line with what the rest of world pays?
The US citizen presently pays about double or triple what the major Big Pharmaceutical Corporations charge the rest of the world. WHY????
Do you support Universal Health Care and our right to negotiate drug prices.
We are the only industrialized nation with a 'for profit' health care system and most seniors are terrified of not being able to afford expensive drugs and treatment as they age, which causes stress
Do you support defunding or defending Planned Parenthood?
Planned Parenthood is under fire for doctored videos that prove no crime or wrongdoing. Should we continue to deny lower class women health care?
Will you vote against future legislation aimed at keeping citizens in the dark?
House Republicans are currently pushing legislation aimed specifically at keeping citizens from knowing what is in their food, a.k.a. the "DARK Act", a.k.a. the "Monsanto Protection Act".
Replace subsidies for sugar&cornsyrup w/ subsidies 4fresh organic fruits&veggies
Will you promote public health by replacing current subsidies for sugar and corn syrup with subsidies for fresh organic fruits and vegetables?
Do you believe our health care system can be fixed and available to everyone?
Medical breakthroughs need to be delivered quickly, efficiently, and safely. A free national online network for medical records, training, and medical expert-to-patient care needs to be made now.
Do you support changing the law to enable the Feds to negotiate drug prices?
Currently it is illegal for the Federal Govt. to negotiate the best price for drugs with the Pharmaceutical industry. Do you support Federal negotiations for drug prices for all Medicare recipients?
Where do you stand on a woman's right to choose?
Do you believe a woman has the right to make this difficult decision without government interference? Can women count on you to protect their rights?
How could you help food safety bill HR1942 to get out of committee & to a vote?
Congress allows nonfood nonFDA compliant animals raised as atheletes and companions to be exported to the global food chain, knowing they are toxic. Chapman U. found horsemeat in 2 samples of USDAmeat
Do you support letting drug stores sell Narcan (or Naxolone) over-the-counter?
The Maine state Legislature passed a bill to sell Narcan OTC to save people who OD on opiates (like heroin). But Gov. Paul LePage (R) vetoed it citing it prolongs lives until the next OD. Who's right?
Will you fight to reverse the ruling that left 800k+ people uninsured in FL?
The Republican led state government in FL choose to not participate in the Medicaid expansion and almost a million people are left uninsured including me.Will you help in getting those people insured?
User Submitted Citation
Should adults have a right to use cannabis, a plant to prevent cancer? why not?
40 years of research confirms cannabis inhibits and/or shrinks many types of cancerous tumors without harming the patient. Isn't it time to legalize the right of adults to cannabis in America?
User Submitted Citation
How will you support affordable long term care health insurance?
People are living longer and requiring more in-home and assisted living care over a longer period of time. Premiums for private long term care policies soon become prohibitive.
What is you plan for providing medication with those with mental illness?
Florida lacks effort in helping its millions of mentally ill citizens afford their medication. Do they at all plan to help fund anything that will benefit them?
Are you in favor of a public option? Why or why not?
Republicans want to repeal Obamacare. Why can't we compromise and pass the public option?
Do you support labeling of GMOs? Or would you sign the DARK Act?
The Dark Act would ban the labeling of GMOs and repeal such laws where already passed. Do you believe Americans have a right to know what's in their food?
If you oppose abortion, how will you support child's health AFTER they're born?
Examples: Paid parental leave. Programs like welfare that support poor parents who can't afford a child and seek abortions. Health care as a human right. Improving education for poorer communities.
Do you support an single payer health care system to help veterans and elderly?
some cannot afford doctors or medical bills. Do you believe citizens deserve more efficient medical help?
Factory Farming is horrific in treatment of the animals
What would you do to get effective laws passed to provide protection for animals that currently have no protection at all from cruelty and neglect and terrible living conditions that affect our food