What will you do to improve voting, not just in Florida, but nationwide?
We continue to see the effects of voter suppression wreak havoc in this country. I personally would like to see Open primaries everywhere, a federal voting holiday, and auto voter registration at 18.
if elected, will either of you support abolishing private prisons?
Black Americans are being persecuted and viciously mistreated in our prison system. Private prisons are at the root.
Do you support equal pay for women and an at least six weeks paid family leave?
We Americans pride ourselves as a modern and free society. Yet today there is still a wage gap between men and women, and a mother still has to choose between her child and her career.
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How will you stop the double standards of those too powerful to be punished?
Major corporations get away with buying their way out of criminal charges by being allowed to pay fines. Police officers are assumed to never lie. When will those in power be held accountable?
Will you stand against excessive force and surveillance of peaceful protesters?
Should police departments be allowed to spend tax payer dollars trying to subvert the people's First Amendment right to peaceably assemble and petition the government for a redress of grievances?
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Will you support an amendment to gurantee acess to vote as federal law.
Our country is trying to restrict the vote to minority and poor.
Would you support or oppose federal legislation protecting LGBT rights?
"Bathroom bills" like those in North Carolina and Tennessee seem to be the new front in LGBT civil rights. Would you propose or support federal legislation protecting these communities?
Will you immediately restore voting rights to felons with time served?
Many who have served their time cannot vote years after completing sentence. This is a violation of civil rights.
Can we require gun owners to participate in gun safety classes and use lessons?
There were at least 12,942 gun deaths in the US in 2015. Does the right to bear arms exclude the right to be responsible? Training classes, gun range classes and free gun locks are simply logical.
Would you vote to remove Superdelegates the Democratic Primaries?
Superdelegates were created in the 80s for the establishment to protect itself from a candidate it does not want. What happens when the people need protection from the establishment?
What is your position on universal federal background checks on all gun sales?
Manchin-Toomey was voted on by the current sitting Senate which chose not to proceed thanks to the gun lobby despite the fact that an overwhelming majority of voters (circa 90%) want it
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What can be done to reduce voter suppression?
What can be done about voter suppression not only by ID, office hours and voting dates, but denial of votes to ex-felons, exclusion of independents from primaries & gerrymandering?.
What will you do to ensure rape kits are tested in a timely fashion?
We frequently discuss abortion and equal pay when addressing women's rights, but rarely discuss the problem of untested rape kits. This issue strongly affects women, but can impact male victims, too.
Do you think all children deserve the same quality of K - 12 education?
Will you make it a reality? What year would you like to accomplish it by?
Will you restore the League of Women Voters right to run political debates?
Green Party presidential candidate Dr. Jill Stein and her VP Cheri Honkala were arrested in October of 2012 for trying to enter a Presidential Debate located at Hoftra University.
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Where's the line between religious freedom and constitutional/human rights?
What's the difference between a religious straight baker refusing to bake a cake for a gay wedding and a religious white lunch counter refusing to serve food to black customers?
Do you support prosecutorial review of injury or death of any detainee?
Eric Garner, Sandra Bland, Freddie Gray: Lack of review was curbed only by public outcry. Empower police to anonymously report even rumors iof such as soon as they are aware of it.
Do you support the use of whichever gender restroom a person identifies with?
Should people be allowed to use whichever restroom they prefer based on the gender they identify with or should people continue to use the restroom aligned with their biological gender?
Do you agree with Heather Hironimus' treatment by the criminal justice system?
In early 2015, Heather Hironimus was forced, in handcuffs, to sign a consent form allowing for her son Chase to be circumcised. Do you support forced consent and forced surgery on minors?
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Will you end the NSA's ILLEGAL SURVEILLANCE? Is Snowden a hero?
FACT:The Patriot Act did not stop ANY terrorism. In a GOP debate,Rubio tipped off that there are STILL classified programs collecting ALL data on Americans What will you do to end it once & for all?
Do you think corporations should continue to b treated as persons
Corporations enjoy legal status as individuals but are not held accountable for criminal or civil wrongs in the same manner. Its a legal fiction that has distorted the law in favor of corporations