Will you reduce the share of the national budget dedicated to the Military?
Do you have a plan to reduce funding to Federal Agencies that further the Neo-Con agenda of endless war?
Do you plan to continue supporting Israel, but plan to protect palastinians
Israel needs support from the US because its surrounded by hostile countries. At the same time it is hurting and sometimes killing innocent people.
Is the Military Industrial Complex too powerful?If so, how would you curb ?
No one is asking about the MIC AND its enormous power to influence the direction of our democracy. Military contractors have practically free reign to abuse, not report and run wild.
If you decide to intervene in a conflict would you re-institute the draft?
As a former drafted Marine, I believe having a draft would allow citizens to actively participate in the decision of intervening in other countries.
How would you address "Wet foot, dry foot" immigration policy for Cubans?
In moving to normalization of relations with Cuba, it seems that these individuals should be treated the same as any other aliens that pass through the border illegally.
April 21, 2016, 11:38 a.m.
Issue area: Foreign Policy & Military
Should "boots on the ground" require a formal declaration of war by Congress?
As a Vietnam-era vet, I cringe when politicians commit to "boots on the ground" in establishing "diplomacy by other means" (Carl von Clauswitz). Would you demand Congress' approval for this act?
Are you willing to reign in our military, shift to peace & domestic investment?
Massive military industrial complex budget for failed aggressive foreign policies that increase rather than decrease safety; a crumbling domestic infrastructure, crap healthcare and education etc
Why do they hate us? Is American Intervention or Islamic fundamentalism to blame
In the 2008 GOP primary debates Ron Paul struck a cord among both the left and right when he said 9/11 was "blowback" from American intervention in the Middle East. Was he right?
User Submitted Citation
April 21, 2016, 10:44 a.m.
Issue area: Foreign Policy & Military
Congress has cut active duty benefits for servicemen and women, What will you do
and when will you start putting these people first?
Are you able to solve problems without violence?
Public interest requires solution based on what is best for all. War is destruction not good solution.
Would you take steps to remove nuclear weapons from dangerous hair-trigger alert?
With Russia's deteriorating infrastructure and the U.S. scandals of missile personell being negligent an accidental nuclear war could be launched, destroying our civilization, perhaps our species.
Should the U.S. substitute middle eastern oil for American energy initiatives?
American energy policies include renewable and oil based energy.
Hold the Pentagon responsible for accurate reporting of their expenditures
Pentagon has failed to report how and on what they spend their budget and Congress has done nothing about it.
How much would you cut the military and support infrastructure/science/health with that money?
We have over 1,100 bases around the world, spend half our budget on military...
Do you think the drone strike policy of the United States has been successful?
Do the civilian casualties render the drone strikes ineffective, or are they worth it to kill terrorists?
What can you, as a U.S. Senator, do to end the suffering in Palestine?
With the military and financial assistance of the US government, Israel systematically destroys the homes and takes the lives of innocent people in Palestine.
User Submitted Citation
Are you willing to demand that we stop supporting Israel?
This includes supporting them diplomatically, militarily, and financially.
Do you support the US military invading countries that are radical like Iran
We have invaded Iraq and Afghanistan to stop terrorism and take their resources and since we have signed the Iran nuclear deal it would be best to know if we should expect to see a similar conflict
How are you going to help the veterans that are coming home?
There's a good percentage of homeless people that are vets. One major reason for this is because they can't get jobs do to some form of medical problems (i.e. PTSD, and wear and tear from serving)
User Submitted Citation
April 21, 2016, 8:40 p.m.
Issue area: Foreign Policy & Military