What do you attribute the economic and job growth to?Can Pres. Obama get credit?
Who gets the credit for how this country is going?
Do you have other proposals besides more tax breaks to raise real wages?
Increased tax breaks for the wealthy under the Reagan and George W. Bush administrations failed to raise real wages, which have remained stagnant under bath as well as in the Obama recovery.
How will you help people reentering job force?
People return from raising children. Older people want new careers. Learned people still wait to use their talents. But only young people are hired. How will you support people's new employment?
Would you Consider a maximum wage ratio to ensure good wages?
Doing this would end the bad economics of income inequality once and for all and create the strongest middle class with fair wages but without using taxes.
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Do u believe that Americans that do not have should not be able to eat?
Because money is implied in every system in America and in America if u don't hav money u can't eat and wont hav a place to live.
What will you do to promote private financing programs such as PACE?
PACE stands for Property Assessed Clean Energy. It allows for property owners, commercial and residential, to improve their energy cost and gain a revenue stream simultaneously while repaying the loan
How will you employ mental health consumers in jobs in which they flourish?
People diagnosed with mental illness lose jobs when illness interferes with productivity. How will you support their employment needs for them and their families?
What are your thoughts on minimum wage?
Do you think minimum wage should raise or not? How much do you think it should be
Hillary says she wants to “crack down” on the Sharing Economy. Agree or disagree?
Hillary Clinton has threatened to “crack down” on independent contractors – the backbone of the sharing economy. As a US Senator, do you oppose or support her approach?
How will you adapt your economic model to technological advances?
People talk about bringing overseas jobs back & reducing unemployment, but soon millions of jobs will be lost to automation. What type of economy will your policies look to pursue for the long term?
Do you think executive agencies have been given to much power under Obama?
The regulatory burden has grown dramatically under President Obama. Agencies under Obama seem to make their own law, ignoring Congress and the will of the people.
Are you for raising taxes whether the economy is in a recession or inflation?
We have been in a recession recovering since 2008 and fiscal policy should be to lower taxes, not raise to steer us through. Why is the discussion raising taxes is always good?
The port of Miami has been the hub of shipping and trade to latin America for half a century. With the new Cuban port opening up soon, how can we modernize for competiveness and MIAMI infrastructure
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What will you do to end exploitative unpaid internships in Florida?
Unpaid internships, though good in theory, often deprive talented young adults who cannot afford to work for free of job opportunities and experience.
Would you support Austrian Economics?
Where economic performance is optimized when there is limited government interference. Sorry, had to bring it up, fan of Ron Paul.....
R exec's comp anti-competitive acts in the marketplace like the job market.
Flip CEO with Corporation
R exec's comp anti-competitive acts in the marketplace: the job market.
CEO white collar crime in Sherman Act. Replace word Corp with Exec
1)execs capturing excessive comp and denying downstream distribution of revenues to basic employees - monopoly, oligopoly,
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What will you do to help Puerto Rico on it's current crisis?
Puerto Rico is going thru a horrible financial crisis. The debt it's over 70 billion dollars and most of the people are moving to Florida each year.
Will you be prepared to severely cut spending in all areas to fight the deficit?
Since the Federal Reserve was given the power to purchase U.S. Treasuries the U.S. debt has skyrocketed. Defense must be cut and Social Security/Medicare must be phased out (an opt-out option maybe?).
Will you be ready to Mend the Fed?
3 rules to Mend the Fed: 1. Create money only to create tangible wealth and services (not paper assets); 2. Make loans at cost; 3. Make repayable loans to private entrepreneurs and public entities.
Would you vote for tax credits for companies that hire recent college graduates?
It does decrease needed government revenue, but it would increase private sector interest in creating good high jobs for those newly out of school.