Will you support the Restoring Main Street Investor Protection Confidence Act?
Purpose is to make SEC and SIPC responsible for protecting investors from fraud they knew about.
Will you be prepared to severely cut spending in all areas to fight the deficit?
Since the Federal Reserve was given the power to purchase U.S. Treasuries the U.S. debt has skyrocketed. Defense must be cut and Social Security/Medicare must be phased out (an opt-out option maybe?).
Would you work to create a maximum pay ratio law?
A Max pay ratio such as 50:1 would make it so that CEO's can not pay themselves more than 50 times their lowest paid employee. In most cases this would solve the living wage problem permanently.
Do you think executive agencies have been given to much power under Obama?
The regulatory burden has grown dramatically under President Obama. Agencies under Obama seem to make their own law, ignoring Congress and the will of the people.
Do u believe that Americans that do not have should not be able to eat?
Because money is implied in every system in America and in America if u don't hav money u can't eat and wont hav a place to live.
Income inequality has increased for decades, with full employment. What is your plan?
The one word answer is not jobs. Taxes on corporations, individuals, including inheritance, need to be increased and Social Security benefits need to be raised.
How much money has the US borrowed from Social Security? What's the back plan?
It is one of the largest debts the government has. The debt is unrelated to the SS program but was used pay for unfunded legislation. Cutting services is NOT a way to pay the debt owed 2 SS investors.
What is your solution towards the broken immigration system?
New aspiring immigrants is what makes America thrive. We need positive reform for immigrants to gain citizenship, yet without 100% open borders. Where Safety meets Economic Growth and Stability.
Are you concerned about the housing crisis that persists in pockets across FL?
1.1 million Florida homeowners still have negative equity in their homes, many unable to refinance or move.
Will you be ready to Mend the Fed?
3 rules to Mend the Fed: 1. Create money only to create tangible wealth and services (not paper assets); 2. Make loans at cost; 3. Make repayable loans to private entrepreneurs and public entities.
What can be done to bring fairness to how small business is treated?
Small businesses seemed to have rules rigged against them, too, like ordinary Americans. International corporations can leave cash abroad, use cheap labor, not worry about US regulations or taxes.
What is your stance on Right to Work laws, and how do they benefit workers?
Even with amazing education, experience, and ethic, it is still legal for anyone in Florida to be fired without cause.
How would you solve economic risks imposed on the Millennial Generation?
Student Loans, low interest rates, failing social security, and out of control Gov. debt all threaten the stability of the rising generations economy.
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Would you introduce legislation to close loopholes in the minimum wage laws?
I have been told by the FL Labor Dept. that graphic designers are exempt from the Fed. minimum wage law, and that there are other such loopholes that allow businesses to take advantage of employees.
Are you in favor of raising min. wage, and would you cap wages for executives?
Many companies pay their working employees min. wage while they give millions of dollars to their executives. People propose layoffs if the min. wage is increased, rather than reallocating funds.
How long is it going to take to educate and train the unemployed?
Since the collapse of the national economy, well educated and trained individuals were left unemployed. There is untapped talent in the job market. Are companies willing to put money in their pockets?
Would you support Austrian Economics?
Where economic performance is optimized when there is limited government interference. Sorry, had to bring it up, fan of Ron Paul.....
How will you employ mental health consumers in jobs in which they flourish?
People diagnosed with mental illness lose jobs when illness interferes with productivity. How will you support their employment needs for them and their families?
Florida is No.1 in the most home foreclosures in the US. How would you fix this?
Florida also is second in the country to regressive taxes.
What would be your strategy to help those in the lower and middle classes?
Do you think it is more important to raise minimum wage or create higher paying jobs? What kind of jobs can you create? Are they feasible? Are they jobs people want?