Congress has cut active duty benefits for servicemen and women, What will you do
and when will you start putting these people first?
How will you stop the double standards of those too powerful to be punished?
Major corporations get away with buying their way out of criminal charges by being allowed to pay fines. Police officers are assumed to never lie. When will those in power be held accountable?
What is your opinion about health care expenses being the reason for bankruptcy?
Today medical expenses is the biggest reason for bankruptcy. This is with or without insurance. Why having insurance when at the end the result is the same?
Replace subsidies for sugar&cornsyrup w/ subsidies 4fresh organic fruits&veggies
Will you promote public health by replacing current subsidies for sugar and corn syrup with subsidies for fresh organic fruits and vegetables?
Will you attempt to influence the Forida FWC to be responsive to Floridians?
Repeatedly, Floridians have expressed wishes to preserve wild animals in their habitat and the Commission has gone ahead with their own agenda: shooting bears, panthers, etc. Can you influence this?
How would you protect the Biscayne Aquifer from oil, gas, and nuclear waste?
The Biscayne aquifer supplies water to 10 million floridians and is currently threatened by salt water intrusion, an exploratory oil & gas well, drought & major leaks from Turkey Point nuclear plant!
Do you support cash reparations to African-Amer. for the ills of slavery?
As with all past sins in any culture (white, black, etc), the duty of present-day people is to correct the ill and ensure it does not repeat.
should americans have the same health and retirement benefits as congress?
congress enjoys the best retirement and health care benefits in this country. why can't the american people have the same benefits as congress? single payer health care for EVERYONE and SS for ALL!
Would you consider a public holiday devoted solely to voting?
While also considering making at least turning up to the polling booths compulsory ? As seen in Australia where voters have to essentially cancel their ballot to indicate they are not voting.
User Submitted Citation
Are you able to solve problems without violence?
Public interest requires solution based on what is best for all. War is destruction not good solution.
How will you prioritize issues?
Political rhetoric tends to focus on issues like violence and emotionally charged subjects. How will you ensure the most important things are handled first and how will you evaluate the priorities?
The Equal Rights Amendment was passed by Congress and submitted to the states for approval where it failed to be supported by 3/4's of the state. It should be re-submitted to the American people.
What are the things that you think are worth paying taxes for?
Government performs many functions. They are generally supported by taxes and fees. Hopefully we balance the accounts. Which government activities are most worthy of paying taxes for?
Do you support a pathway to citizenship for undocumented immigrants?
The Obama administration has detained and deported more undocumented immigrants than any previous administration. Will you put a stop to this?
User Submitted Citation
What are you going to do to reform the campaign finance system?
How will you work with the President to make a viable campaign finance system? 90% of Americans believe that money needs to get out of politics.
Will you work to preserve citizens' fundamental right to self-defense?
The right for a person and their family to be safe is undeniable and the root from which nearly all other rights originate for if not safe, then what's the point of having an organized society?
Would you start a bill to replace voter IDs with social security data base?
Presidential primary / general voting should be free of residential registration restrictions since Presidents as national officials serve across all boundaries, ergo ss# data base easy registration.
How would you end the monopolistic influence of Comcast and FPL in Florida?
Comcast and FPL have so much influence in Florida that they're creating an environment that stifles competition and causes Floridians to pay more for services, like electricity and broadband.
What keeps the republican and democratic parties from working in unison?
This is a sector that happens to find its members through election processes. What are the actual discrepencies that keep the two parties from cooperation? This coke vs pepsi 'stance' is getting old!
Would you take steps to remove nuclear weapons from dangerous hair-trigger alert?
With Russia's deteriorating infrastructure and the U.S. scandals of missile personell being negligent an accidental nuclear war could be launched, destroying our civilization, perhaps our species.
Should civic responsibility and media awareness be mandatory learing in HS?
Mainstream media has saturated our world with 24 hr news, the corporate control, therefore gov't is responsible to make its citizenry aware of who owns it and how it effects political process, agree?
Should the U.S. substitute middle eastern oil for American energy initiatives?
American energy policies include renewable and oil based energy.
How can we eliminate waste and redundancy within government programs?
Republicans want to reduce spending while democrats want to expand social programs. Is their a way to do both.
Will you immediately restore voting rights to felons with time served?
Many who have served their time cannot vote years after completing sentence. This is a violation of civil rights.