What will you do to stop the bribery from Kochs and other corporate interests?
This includes lobbyists who write the laws and hand them to elected officials on behalf of their donors.
What will you do to put a stop to corporate infiltration of government agencies?
Corporate lobbyists have been appointed to watchdog agencies and then undermining the mission of the agencies. This puts the public in danger and short circuits democracy.
What will you do to ensure safe drinking water for all Americans?
Flint Michigan isn't the only city with unsafe drinking water. We are not a third world country but it seems like the politicians in Washington DC aren't concerned enough about our health and safety.
What is your stance on net neutrality?
Net Neutrality is the foundation of the start-up culture boom that has boosted our economy. Repealing it will make the playing field unfair for small business. Will you fight for it?
What is your plan to end hi # of deaths and injuries due to gun violence?
All shootings: Some 13,286 people were killed in the US by firearms in 2015, according to the Gun Violence Archive, and 26,819 people were injured [those figures exclude suicide].
User Submitted Citation
Do you support completely open Primaries?
The Primary process is essentially controlled by the 2 Parties, the Democrats and Republicans. In States w/ closed Primaries, Independents are not allowed to vote in either Primary.
Will you support the Equal Rights Amendment to end legal discrimination based on sex?
Will you introduce the equal rights amendment to the Constitution and fight for its passage?
Will you support public funding of elections?
Most of the major issues facing our country are affected by the central issue of money in politics. Unless we solve that problem, lasting change is virtually impossible.
How do you plan on stopping outsourcing of jobs?
Manufacturing jobs in the US are becoming extinct. Outsourcing jobs for financial gain is the prime reason. How do you plan on addressing it?
Will you stand against excessive force and surveillance of peaceful protesters?
Should police departments be allowed to spend tax payer dollars trying to subvert the people's First Amendment right to peaceably assemble and petition the government for a redress of grievances?
User Submitted Citation
Would you support charging members of Congress with "willful neglect of office"?
Are elected officials who go to DC with the sole purpose of impeding the function of govt., failing to discharge the duties of the office they were elected to? Should they be criminally charged?
What will you do to make it fair and equal from all citizens to vote?
It is clear in some areas of the US that the location of polling places and voter ID laws are preventing people of limited means from being part of the democratic process.
Will you stop all fracking initiatives?
Will you promote the restoration of both the Everglades and the Indian River lagoon?
Would you commit to 100% clean energy by 2050, with 80% by 2030?
Scientists say a transition to 100% clean renewable wind, water & solar power in FL will create 140,000 jobs, eliminate 3,000 air pollution deaths, help energy independence, and reduce terrorism risk.
Do you support defunding or defending Planned Parenthood?
Planned Parenthood is under fire for doctored videos that prove no crime or wrongdoing. Should we continue to deny lower class women health care?
Would you support expanding the teaching of climate change in our schools?
We really needed to be doing this decades ago where the efforts could have been more impactful.
Do you back Murphy-Paul bill to set new conditions for U.S. aid to Saudi Arabia?
Chris Murphy/Rand Paul bill requires Saudi Arabia to protect civilians in their war in Yemen & cooperate with us against ISIS/Al Qaeda as conditions of U.S. military aid. Do you support or oppose?
Will you vote against future legislation aimed at keeping citizens in the dark?
House Republicans are currently pushing legislation aimed specifically at keeping citizens from knowing what is in their food, a.k.a. the "DARK Act", a.k.a. the "Monsanto Protection Act".
Will you support a law to make the media tell the truth and fact check stories?
The media says what it wants with little regard for the truth. Will you support a law to require truth in News and media (including commercials). So the people of America can be informed of the truth.
Will you stop supporting oligarchs and start supporting citizens?
For the past half century oligarchs have been winning their class war against our society. Citizen's United (and related cases) and so-called "trade" deals are only a small part the tactics employed.
Replace subsidies for sugar&cornsyrup w/ subsidies 4fresh organic fruits&veggies
Will you promote public health by replacing current subsidies for sugar and corn syrup with subsidies for fresh organic fruits and vegetables?