Are you in favor of eliminating the Windfall Elimination Provision?
When a person receives a civil service pension (fully vested) and only 1/3 of the SS paid into completely, living at poverty level is not uncommon.
Would you support an amendment requiring Congress be paid minimum wage?
So many people work their lives away for $7.25. It should be required that our Congress persons work for the wages for which they fight. They argue that the minimum wage is the living wage.
If the Citizens United ruling states that Corporations are people too.
Then why at a minimum are not pay the single high earner taxpayer rate? In a nutshell why do contributors to SuperPacs and politicians find themselves exempt from paying taxes as American citizens.
How will you ensure corporate and wealthy tax dollars come home?
While corporations and wealthy Americans hide their profits in off shore accounts they avoid their fair share of the cost of running our Country shifting it all upon the working class.
Would you support the national 1% tax?
Many executives and corporations avoid paying any taxes that reflect the costs to other tax payers. People making more than $125k or companies selling in the USA or abroad more than $250k pay 1% min.
How will you simulate the economy, so the citizen can reach a level of vitality?
The poor can't find the ends, much less where they should meet, & the receding middle class is only sustaining and is not reaching a place of vitality as they once did. How can you bolster their cause
Do you think the IRS should issue an itemized receipt for your tax return?
The average American spends 13 hours preparing their tax return, and is taxed at an average of 31.5% Shouldn't Ameicans receive a detailed itemized receipt of where their tax dollars are going?
How to assure that all companies pay their fair share of taxes on business in US
Use of foreign corp. registrations and tax laws for business in USA avoiding taxes in the USA
How do you plan to resolve tough issues like "entitlements"?
Both sides argue over entitlements. Isn't there a middle ground? I believe Welfare has its place, however, I have also observed abuse of the resource. Can't something be worked out in the middle!?
Can we avoid increasing the national debt and thereby pay it off?
It has been noted by many that money can be printed and spent as easily as printing bonds and selling them. Should this approach be used to pay off the national debt?
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Why are Capital Gains Taxed at a lower rate than income? Should they be?
Capital Gains are not taxed at the same level as income. It is taxed much lower. The income of a guy digging a ditch, would be taxed at a higher rate than income generated by invested capital.
Will you support a law that can stop the borrowing from Social Security funds?
For too long, Social Security has been the government's piggy bank to borrow money from. These funds belong to the depositors and should never be endangered or subject to political policies.
Should the DEA be eliminated, or its budget decreased or increased?
Either in decreasing supply or changing attitudes, no federal agency has failed as entirely as the DEA. Many in law enforcement, including former DEA agents, believe it should be abolished.
Will you fund more IRS forensic auditors to close the "Tax Gap"?
The current Tax Gap is almost $1 TRILLION. That is evaded taxes due to corporate/high income taxpayer FRAUD. That $ could fund Single Payer, free College, new infrastructure, SS, high speed rail, eic.
How much more of the Trillion dollars for the F-35 Program should we spend?
The F-35 is extremely expensive to produce and to maintain. If it carries the weaponry it is designed for its agility declines markedly.
Would you support the Tax Filing Simplification Act?
Sen. Elizabeth Warren has proposed having the IRS fill out everyone's tax forms, to save time and money, and ensure everyone entitled to EITC benefits can receive them.
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Could a flat tax work in the US if no transaction was exempted from the tax?
If the flat tax applied to each and every transaction including purchase of real estate, securities, resale of goods, any foreign transfer of funds in addition to consumer purchases, could it work?
Name/quantity 3 spending cuts and revenue increases you support to cut deficit.
Cite cuts and increases versus 2015 fiscal year, i.e., holding a 4% increase to 3% is an increase, not a cut!
Would you battle with Scientology over its tax exempt status?it's not a religion
Watch HBO documentary titled Going Clear - Scientology: The Prison of Belief. This film is evidence that Scientology is a moneymaking machine disguised as a religion-dodging millions in taxes every yr
Would you support a Carbon Tax and other emissions taxes?
We could raise $1.2 Trillion over 10 years while combating global warming and helping our oceans recover from acidification.
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What happened to the jobs the Bush tax cuts were supposed to create?
Bush tax cuts were supposed to create jobs and the trillions were supposed to trickle down. It's been 13 it still trickling?
Please comment on inserting competition between the Federal Reserve & Treasury
The founders created public money the greenback produced by the Treasury. Private money created by the Federal Reserve, has a vested interest in government debt. Treasury would return interest.Coment
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Should companies hiding money overseas lose the right to do business in the US?
Corporations or individuals that use offshore tax shelters to avoid paying US taxes should be banned from doing business in the US. When they don't pay the poor & middle class do.
Do you support reforming the broken tax code?
The tax code has so many loopholes favoring and helping big businesses avoid taxes almost completely and giving them huge tax breaks and rebates.
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When will the student loans for seniors be dismissed?
Student loans should be dismissed for seniors over 65.