Name/quantity 3 spending cuts and revenue increases you support to cut deficit.
Cite cuts and increases versus 2015 fiscal year, i.e., holding a 4% increase to 3% is an increase, not a cut!
Should the people be empowered to repel tyranny with force?
The Framers felt an armed populous was the last resort by which to repel an over-zealous gov't. As the police becomes more militarized, what are citizens to do when Orwell strikes if no guns exist?
Would you support putting civics back in the high school curriculum?
Due to how much the political parties have lied to the students in our colleges in the last 8 yrs, it just makes sense to put civics back into the curriculum of our schools to educate the citizens.
Fact checking for congressional record?
Should there be an independent government agency to fact check statements by officials on the congressional record? Corrections could be read into the recordat the start of the Congressional day.
Will you support a new investigation into 9/11?
A significant body of evidence, e.g. molten steel found at the bases of all THREE WTC towers that fell on 9/11 suggests controlled demolition and an inside job. Are you for truth or continuing denial?
Will you be ready to Mend the Fed?
3 rules to Mend the Fed: 1. Create money only to create tangible wealth and services (not paper assets); 2. Make loans at cost; 3. Make repayable loans to private entrepreneurs and public entities.
Will you reduce development in coastal areas to protect from rising seas?
Florida has a great deal of valuable shoreline. As sea levels rise beaches disappear if there are hard structures preventing them from migrating naturally. How will you address this coastal issue?