Do you accept that Climate Change is the single greatest threat our world faces?
If *yes*, than will you support or put forth legislation that keeps more fossil fuels in the ground and green house gases out of our atmosphere? Will you fight for funding innovative projects/tech?
Give 5 specific ways you will work to slow down climate change?
Climate change is threatening our world. It is causing destruction here and abroad. It is causing deaths of both man and wildlife.
How will you counter global sea level rise?
Global sea level rise is GOING to happen, no matter what. Specifically, just Miami destruction can cause a loss of $3.5 trillion and 4.8 million lives. What will you do about this?
What would you do to help rising sea levels?
Right now large parts of Florida are at risk of being flooded, and it's estimated that in 100 years not an insignificant parts of Florida will under water
What will you do to slow down climate change?
This has been a missing topic in all the previous debates.
What are your plans to adapt our nation to the effects of climate change?
Climate change will continue for 40 more years even if we halted all emissions today. How will you aid the US in transitioning into the climate of the new age?
Climate change is real, and Miami is already doomed. What are you going to do?
Climate change is real. That is not a question, it is a definitive statement. According to scientists, the damage done already means that Miami will be underwater. How are you going to combat this?
Where do you stand on Global Warming?
What would you do to help Florida deal with the issues associated with global warming, such as sea level rise,climate change, acidification of the oceans, etc.?
How do plan on dealing with the danger of global warming while you are in office
The whole world is threatened by climate change but especially the state of Florida. How will help deal with this problem. Pass legislation and or work with fell senators to pass reforms to address it
How do you plan to deal with the coming environmental collapse?
Evidence shows that climate change is happening faster than what was thought.
How will you protect Floridians who will lose $152 billion in property damages?
A Sun Sentinel article cited a 2015 Risky Business report, that estimated the effects of climate change would result in increasing property damage each year. By 2050, $152 billion will be under water.
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What will you do to combat climate change?
What measures will you take to make Florida a leader in transitioning to clean energy, restoring ecosystems to sequester atmospheric carbon and protecting coastal communities from rising sea levels?
What will you do to address climate change locally, nationally, and globally?
The U.S. has clearly not been a leader in addressing the most pressing issue facing our world. Many Scandinavian and European nations have made a commitment to renewable energies. Why aren't we?
What will you do to combat climate change?
The world's population is getting larger and larger and the bigger the population, the waste we produce and the more resources we need.
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What will you do to help against climate change.
With locations in the US, Middle East, etc that have already been affected by it, will you help to stop climate change.
Do you believe that mankind contributes to climate change?
98% of experts in the field have concluded that man contributes to climate change. The Republican party has continued to approach this with extreme skepticism. Are scientists lying or are Republicans?
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What will you do to reduce global warming and the resulting sea level rise?
Florida is one state particularly effected by rising sea levels.
Do you accept or deny anthropogenic climate change as reality?
This is a fair question to ask someone who, if elected, could well be the deciding vote on our expenditures on this matter.
What are your immediate plans to address the consequences of climate change?
Florida is in a position to be one of the states most impacted by climate change.
What will you do to combat climate change?
Scientists have been saying that climate change has been man-made. If they are right, then Florida will likely be hit severely.
What do you think is the government's role in mitigating climate change?
Here in Florida we're at great risk of losing much of our land to climate change, regardless of whether or not it is manmade. To what extent is the government supposed to play in this regard?
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What is your position on captive animals being used for profit?
Legislation and public sentiment is growing against the use of sentient beings used in captivity and for profit. Would you support the ending of animals in captivity for profit.