How will you work to make renewable energy more affordable in Florida?
We receive incredibly high levels of sunlight that could support a great solar power project, not just for us, but potentially neighboring counties or states. Our tidal power could also be harnessed.
Can you support requiring new condos and multi-units to use solar?
Supporting solar here in Florida is not only a good energy policy but also great for creating good jobs.
Will you work towards and or support residential wind turbine/solar power use?
Energy obtained by those methods should allow for selling power back to and freeing from Corp. sources, better for the environment, save people money. Would you encourage new homes built that way?
Would you work to end our dependence and investment in fossil fuel economies?
In a state where we depend on our clean environment for tourism and quality of life and are very susceptible to sea level rise, this is very important to all Floridians - we need to know!
What is your energy policy for our changing climate?
What would you suggest the Senate do to incentivize the needed transition from fossil fuels to sustainable energy?
Will you address climate change as your number one priority?
We must act boldly now on reducing carbon emissions and pour money int wind and solar or another earth friendly energy source (not nuclear! :)
Should we be working towards energy solutions that promote clean air and water?
Regardless of whether or not you believe in climate change, can we agree that we all prefer cleaner air and water and that working towards cleaner energy capture is a priority?
Would you work to end our dependence and investment in fossil fuel economies?
Global warming is real!
we live in the sunshine state but we are last in solar power & wind turbines
I have lived here in florida for the past 11 years...most of the time it's very windy here especially by the seashore...yet we do not have a alternative power source what would you do to correct this.
will u vote on legislation that drastically moves us toward renewable energy
because of the immediate and long term deadly affects of climate change, and because renewable energy will take energy costs away for all people , which will also stimulate the economy
How would you encourage the use of non-fossil fuels?
How would you encourage homeowners and businesses to invest in solar and other alternative energy resources other than fossil fuels?
Would you make it easier for people to switch to solar energy? If so how?
Florida is know as the sunshine state and ranks 3rd in the nation for potential solar power, yet It ranks 14th out of solar output.
What will you do for the people of Florida have fair access to solar power?
Floridians for Solar Choice have faced unfair practices by polluting energy companies to confuse the public about the best means of encouraging solar power. ALL people should have equal access in USA
User Submitted Citation
What can you do to help residents of states like Florida to obtain solar power?
Many states have established arcane laws aimed at suppressing solar power use to the obvious benefit of power companies like FPL. We need Federal solar protection to ban these tariffs, fees & taxes.
What do you plan to do with regards to solar power?
Florida is the sunshine state, and it is shocking to a number of us that there seems to be no solar power initiatives. Please explain what you would do with regards to alternative energy, thank you.
Will you force all communities to allow residents to install solar panels?
My parents in florida live in a retirement community and they are not allowed to install solar panels. There are strict laws governing using the sun to power the "sunshine" state. This must be fixed.
User Submitted Citation
What will you do to support a consumer's choice to live 'off the grid'?
Will you, despite your donors, take a proactive stance in ensuring citizens have the easiest time possible installing solar panels and living off the grid?
Why must Floridians be forced to buy power only from utilities?
We must be allowed to lease solar installations from any company we choose and to freely draw electricity from that equipment.
What is your timeline for phasing out the use of fossil fuels in the US?
What actions will you take to support and reward the development and use of clean, sustainable energy sources?
What is your position on captive animals being used for profit?
Legislation and public sentiment is growing against the use of sentient beings used in captivity and for profit. Would you support the ending of animals in captivity for profit.